Mounting system for flat roofs
CHRONOS TrapezThe mounting system “CHRONOS Trapezoidal Sheet” is used for the installation of a photovoltaic system on pitched roofs with trapezoidal sheet roofing of all types (minimum thickness of steel: 0.5 mm; minimum thickness of aluminum 0.6 mm; minimum width of the high bead 15 mm).
The modules are mounted parallel to the roof – the modules can be mounted vertically or horizontally. The mounting system is designed either with 120 mm long CHRONOS trapezoidal sheet short pieces in the squat bead course or by means of 267 mm long (87 – 207 mm squat bead spacing) or 393 mm long (213 – 333 mm high bead spacing) short pieces transverse to the high bead course.
The universally pre-punched short pieces enable flexible and at the same time extremely fast and thus cost-effective assembly of the modules.
The assembly is implemented by screwing using self-tapping thin sheet metal screws approved by the building authorities. To ensure stability, a project-specific wind suction calculation supplements the mounting system.
ist in der griechischen Mythologie der Gott der Zeit. Meist wird er mit einer Sanduhr in der Hand dargestellt.
Das T.Werk CHRONOS Trapezblech-Schrägdach-Montagesystem hält nicht nur bombenfest, sondern erspart Ihnen durch kinderleichte Montage und wenig Komponenten viel Zeit.
Application area
auf allen Trapezblechdächern einsetzbar
System information
Weight: 0.20 – 0.36 kg/m²
Modules ü. High bead: 16.6mm
Mounting in or across the high beading, depending on module orientation
Special features
time-efficient easy assembly due to simple system design